Friday, 24 October 2008

The best way to pick your US candidate:

It seems no one in the US wants to talk proper policy or real issues. Why waste your vote based on personality, or who has the nicest clothes?

If you are wasting your vote on trivial attributes, at least vote based on a cool attribute...

Unbelievable McCain Vs. Obama Dance-Off - Watch more free videos

Oh, and if any Americans are looking at my humble blog; vote 3rd party. Obama may be the lesser of two evils, it may be a historic event for a Black man to run for president, but unfortunately hes still part of (and therefore controlled by) the Democrats.

The rest of the world can hardly distinguish between your 2 major parties; they are both conservative in the global scale and have both lead your nation to ruinous debt: spending on wars with no clear stated goal, spending on defense against an imagined enemy (You guys have ALL the guns BTW). Go read some international press and see what the rest of the world thinks.