You disagree? Hey, I'm just quoting the inventors of the format. Here's the evidence:
- CompuServe used to distribute a graphics display program called CompuShow. In the documentation for version 8.33 in the FAQ section, it states:
The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), pronounced "JIF", was designed by CompuServe and the official specification released in June of 1987.
There, straight from the inventors of the format.
So nerds, GIF or JIF?
the author was obviously retarded.
The G stands for Graphics, which is a hard G sound. Gah..
It's by far more appropriate than JIFF
Gif with a hard G, for so many reasons:
- the rules of English pronunciation. "Gift" is the closest example; also "give", "gilt" etc. The only similar soft-G word is Jiffy, which you may notice doesn't begin with G. ("Giraffe" is an anomaly because it's from French "girafe", which itself isn't pronounced with a soft G; it's more of a soft J, "zhiraf".)
- the G stands for graphics, which has a hard G
- to differentiate it from jpeg, the other very common graphic format
So it's GIF, like gift. Yes it is.
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