Monday, 11 August 2008

My home cheapo mods:

Our flat is full of cheap mods that I have busted out. Example 1:

My Logitech x230s sound really good, but the sub control doesn't go low enough. Its quite boomy sometimes, so ...

sany8761 (by t1mthet00lman)

Stuff it with a sock! The port looses its resonance and the cutoff is effectively brought above the (tuned) frequency (which is so boomy) - much better :)

My hackjob at fixing the laptop power has me worried because there is not much in the way of cable tug-proofing sensitive the laptops' tail.

sany8759 (by t1mthet00lman)

I got a tug resistant know going so the tail doesn't get any rugged tugs.

sany8758 (by t1mthet00lman)

I also managed to aquire a nice (free) USB light that was obviously a giveaway from Rabobank; (example shown)

USB lamp (by Marco Wessel)

Used to look like this, but unfortunately as its a lampshade, you couldn't point the light very easy. I didn't want it that way, so I did a few "mods":

sany8747 (by t1mthet00lman)

I chopped and ghetto-glued it to point like a desk lamp should, and it is much better !

sany8752 (by t1mthet00lman)

Blammo! it goes!

sany8755 (by t1mthet00lman)

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